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Ever thought about which documents to shred and which to save? This video lists the official documents that you should save and the ones that you should shred immediately. Did you know that around half of all small businesses have already suffered a data security breach? As a business owner or manager, you should know how secure your company information is. Businesses go through literally tons of documents every year. It's important for you to know what should be stored, how long it should be stored for, and how to dispose of it. Losses from insecure data handling can cost you money...

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Many small business owners mistakenly believe that data security and breaches aren't a big problem. After all, they're the little guys. Why would anyone come after them? It turns out, as of 2017, nearly half of all cyber attacks target small businesses. They're much more vulnerable than the prominent organizations, and often lack the resources and the capability to defend themselves adequately. So does this mean that small businesses should just admit defeat and hope and pray that they don't get hit? Far from it. There are many simple but very critical steps that these companies can take to secure data. Many...

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Did you know that too much clutter negatively affects your ability to focus and process information? That's right - if you're working in a cluttered office, your productivity is definitely suffering. But how can you handle clutter when you work in a small space? Investing in a small paper shredder is a great place to start. You'll be able to purge everything from junk mail to confidential documents, and your office will soon feel calmer, clearer, and an easier space to focus within. Ready to say goodbye to that paper mountain? Keep reading to find out how. 1. Shred Junk Mail to...

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If your business shreds a large number of documents, you may have considered several options when it comes to finding the right paper shredder for the job. You might have thought about buying a used piece of equipment online, relying on a professional shredding company, or simply keeping your documents in a digital cloud. But the reality is that all three of those options put sensitive information at serious risk. Instead, it's much smarter to invest in a new shredder -- and of course, to learn how to take care of it. To learn how to keep your new shredder working safely and...

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Paper shredding in a home or office environment is a great way to reduce waste that gets sent to landfills, increase security, and more. But when you choose to start shredding in your office, you'll have some big decisions to make. The most important is whether you'll hire a shredding service, buy, or rent a commercial shredder. Keep reading to learn a few pros and cons of each option, to help you make the best decision for your office. Renting a Commercial Shredder Renting a commercial shredder is an option that many businesses consider. But while it may seem like a simple...

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